Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hi guys !

Je realise que je ne vous ai pas encore parle de mes options a l'ecole! Chose incroyable, etant donne qu'ici tout est vraiment different. J'ai eu de la chance, je n'ai pas du prendre math ni science (like a dream). I took the Art of film, we watch movies that we analyze after. We already watched Road to perdition (with Tom Hanks, Jude Law and Paul Newman, great movie and great actors!!), the Sixth Sense with Bruce Willis (an scary movie) and Parenthood (a comedy about how to be a good parent).
I have also Novels and other fictions, we are now reading the novella The body written by Stephen King, a king of scary book but it is slank ("bad, teenager" English) so I need to check a lot of words, it takes a lot of time. Then we are going to watch the film's adaptation Stand by me.
I have also Spanish III, even if I never had Spanish before. This is quite funny because the teacher speaks in Spanish and I try to understand. But Spanish is very closed from French, I'm learning fast.
Then I have Photos, which is a great class because we are learning how to use a camera and all the signs with their meanings. There is a darkroom in the school so we develop our own photos! I like that!
I have also PE (physical education), US History and French (the teachers share me, so I can speak with their students in French --> No homework!)
I will give you more details later. I have a fantastic new : I'm now able to join the Cross country team. I'll start on Monday the practise!!! Yeaaaaaah. I already did it once, this is pretty hard but the team is fun.
Cross country is at 3 to 4.30, and then at 4.30 I have cheerleading practise until 6. Kind of a joke, because this is more a social event than a practise. I have to catch up, there are 40 different cheers and a dance that I'm learning. They wanted me to stunt (jump in the air) but I really don't want to (the coach call me thiny little thing because I'm not yet strong enough to carry people). We had our first game on friday, FREEZING :D
I have a lot to tell, but I don't have time now... So I will do it as soon as I can! :)

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